July 3, 2024: AAUP approves proposal urging Penn faculty pension provider to divest from fossil fuels

May 1, 2024: Teachers Protest Retirement Fund’s Fossil Fuel Investments and it’s Big Ten Basketball Tournament Sponsorships

March 2024: Writers call TIAA out for sportswashing as it sponsors Big Ten basketball tournament.

Penn State’s Daily Collegian: Big Ten Tournament Sponsor Veils Unethical Investments

Rutgers’ Daily Targum: TIAA is using student-athletes to cover environmental injustices

The Cap Times: Don’t let ‘sportswashing’ ruin Badger pride

The News-Gazette: TIAA promises a dignified retirement. Make them invest in a healthier planet.

The Des Moines Register: TIAA is sponsoring Big Ten basketball. Know that it’s driving the climate crisis.

The Daily Illini: Big Ten tournament sponsor TIAA is killing our environment, futures

February 28, 2024: Who’s behind the destruction of Brazil’s Cerrado?

In “Who’s Behind the Destruction of Brazil’s Cerrado?” The authors trace the sudden global land rush that drew investors to gobble up farmland after 2007, leading to massive deforestation and monocropping.

The Cerrado, historically, has been rich in trees and shrubs with thick roots that channel water into acquifers and store billions of metric tons of carbon. Now millions of acres of this biodiverse vegetation have been replaced by sugar plantations, cattle fields, and soy.

The process by which TIAA has obtained its land in the Cerrado is itself sinister. According to Sax and Angelo, there is a great deal of land in Brazil that is in the public domain, inhabited by traditional communities and small farmers, who have a legal right to the land but often do not have official deeds. “Those seeking to claim that land — often business owners or corporations — reportedly hire armed men to intimidate and run off residents. They then clear the land of trees or native vegetation, either seeding pasture for cows or preparing it to grow crops like soy, cotton, or corn. 

According to leaked documents, TIAA knew full well that they were buying deforested and stolen land from known criminals—and they went ahead anyway.

September 1, 2023: TIAA must stop funding fossil fuels and climate destruction

June 5, 2023: How climate activists are working to shift trillions of dollars away from fossil fuels and into renewables

May 25, 2023: Scrubbing TIAA’s fossil fuels off our hands: The decision to divest

May 11, 2023: Environmental GPA: An open letter on Princeton’s retirement plans and fossil fuels

May 8, 2023: Students, Faculty Protest TIAA Fossil Fuel Investment

April 27, 2023: Faculty and students speak out against TIAA investments in fossil fuels

March 7, 2023: How Harvard Can Help Solve TIAA’s Climate Problem

By William E. McKibben and Naomi Oreskes, Contributing Opinion Writers

Feb. 21, 2023: Retirement funds for Penn faculty managed by company with billions in fossil fuel investments

Dec. 27, 2022: UN investment initiative rejects complaint against teachers’ pension fund

10/27/22: Faculty Wants Pensions Out of Fossil Fuels

10/19/22: Academics’ complaint seeks to push retirement manager TIAA to divest from fossil fuels

10/19/22: Teachers allege greenwashing at TIAA Nuveen

10/19/22: Pension Fund TIAA Faces Scientist-Led Climate-Washing Complaint

10/19/22: Financial services firm TIAA faces academic backlash over energy holdings

7/19/22: American Federation of Teachers calls for fossil fuel divestment

4/28/22: TIAA-Divest: Teachers Call for Climate Consciousness

12/9/21: UM faculty votes to divest from fossil fuels

10/26/21: This Movement Is Taking Money Away From Fossil Fuels, and It’s Working (Guest Essay by Bill McKibben)

5/21/21: Retirement fund for educators should reflect our values (Guest Opinion by Karleen West)

UAlbany faculty wants pension fund to divest from fossil fuels

Activists finally seeing movement on fossil fuel divestment

Divestment Gap Emerges

SUNY faculty and staff push for retirement fund to divest from fossil fuel investments

College Senate Seeks SUNY Fossil Fuel Divestment


Three Saturday protests demand TIAA divest from fossil fuels, land grabs

Viewpoint: SUNY faculty must fight for TIAA divestment