Rally outside of TIAA’s HQ. TIAA is a major investor in environmentally destructive fossil fuels and an exploiter of Black and Indigenous communities. Click here to RSVP.
TIAA, the $1.2 trillion pension fund that serves universities, medical professionals, non-profits, and cultural institutions has lots of dirty secrets. It has $ 79 billion invested in fossil fuels, is one of the biggest investors in Adani coal, is responsible for land grabs and massive deforestation in Brazil, and is the largest landowner in Phillips County, AR., the site of the largest race massacre in US history. TIAA is continuing the history of racial injustice in 2024 by spraying toxic chemicals on residents, who have formed TIAAExposed, and have come to this NYC action to tell their story.
Join us on September 24 at 11 AM, at TIAA HQ at 730 Third Ave (41st) Street